Discover How We Train Women

in Corporate to double or

triple their salary

Join 400+ Female _____ Executives

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Trusted mentor to executive women at top organizations

23.6 Million Negotiated (and counting)

Clients of PowHER have negotiated for an additional 23.6 million dollars in job offers, promotions, and board seats

Want to double or triple your salary?

Apply to get Brittney's Help


This program is custom-designed for each client in leadership roles at the Director, VP, SVP, EVP and C-Suite levels.

Our expertise lies in no BS, real-life, tangible strategies that eliminate career stagnation and pay gaps, and build a path for women to dominate in the boardroom that delivers sustainable, repeatable results.

We help our clients master confidence, land in boardroom positions, and develop personalized, communication strategies so she can double or triple her current salary. Most clients see monetary results within the first 4 weeks.

Our Founder and CEO, Brittney Quinn, spent 20 years in boardrooms across the globe and 13x her compensation package in only 5 short years.

Tons of companies can claim results like these, few have ever done it themselves.

Never leave another penny

on the table again.

Discover How We Train Women in Corporate How to Double or Triple Their Salaries

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